I met Lauren Lacy in 2014 at a fashion show I was covering for Atlanta Tastemaker Magazine. At the time I was still working on the first installment of Naturally You. When I saw her I immediately approached her with the hope that she would be a part of the project. What I immediately saw in Lauren was a confidence (which showed through her famous mega-watt smile) that could not be denied, as well as a sense of style that had me thinking (mistakenly) that she was a participant in the fashion show.
Since that project and exhibit, I noted Lauren's affinity for putting together some of the most creative outfits (thanks to her wardrobe selfies via FB). Her style coupled with her features made my working with her again an inevitability.
The day FINALLY came when we were able to synchronize our schedules and have a little photo fun. The following is just a sample of what came out of that day's antics. As always, all images are edited for artistic value only - no feature enhancement/airbrush/blemish removal. My goal is always to showcase beauty in its natural state; no matter who is in front of my lens. Enjoy!
Code Blue
I'm listening...
Eyes to the sky
I'd like to thank Lauren again for being such a good sport (and a GREAT muse). We will be doing this again (hopefully sooner than later) - it was a blast! If anyone is in need of graphics or branding work check Lauren out at www.misslacystudios.com. Caio!